About Me
Clinical Experience
I am experienced in the assessment and treatment of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. I have also worked extensively with people with significant medical illness, disability, and spinal cord injury to support their adjustment, grief/loss, and distress.
I have experience working with people seeking out bariatric surgery and endoscopic weight loss procedures. My work has involved assessing patients’ suitability for weight loss procedures, teaching strategies to facilitate lasting lifestyle changes, and treating disordered eating that may be barriers to patients’ health goals. In these settings, my focus is always on health, wellbeing, and quality of life rather than weight loss itself (i.e., the numbers on the scale).
Currently, in addition to my private practice, I have a role as a Clinical Psychologist at Prince of Wales Hospital.
I completed a PhD that investigated psychosocial factors associated with patients’ ability to follow healthcare instructions after bariatric surgery.
I have been involved in research at The Australian National University to develop an online mental health clinic for university students and at The Black Dog Institute exploring patients’ experiences of health care services following a suicide attempt.
I have published in a number of scientific journals and presented at academic conferences. Feel free to take a look at my papers below.
Therapeutic Style
I take a warm, empathetic, and non-judgemental approach to therapy because I know that the cornerstone to effective therapy is a safe connection. I work collaboratively with clients, meaning that we work together to better understand the client’s struggles and to find effective ways to manage the challenges they face. My aim is to empower clients to harness their existing strengths and values to make meaningful, positive changes in their lives.
In my clinical practice, I draw from a range of psychological therapy approaches, guided by each client’s unique presentation and needs. These approaches include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialetical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Schema Therapy.
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Health Psychology)
Master of Science (Health Psychology)
Master of Psychology (Clinical)
Select Publications
Chan, J. K., & Vartanian, L. R. (2024). Psychological predictors of adherence to lifestyle changes after bariatric surgery: A systematic review. Obesity Science & Practice, 10(1), e741.
Chan, J. K.Y., King, M., & Vartanian, L. R. (2020). Patient perspectives on psychological care after bariatric surgery: A qualitative study. Clinical Obesity, 10(6), e12399.
Shand, F.L., Batterham, P., Chan, J.K.Y., Pirkis, J., Spittal, M., Woodward, A., & Christensen, H. (2018). Experience of health care services after a suicide attempt: Results from an online survey. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 48(6), 779-787.
Chan, J.K.Y., Farrer, L., Gulliver, A., Bennett, K., & Griffiths, K.M. (2016). University students’ views on the perceived benefits and drawbacks of seeking help for mental health problems on the Internet: a qualitative study. JMIR Human Factors, 3(1):e3.
Gulliver, A., Farrer, L., Chan, J.K.Y., Tait, R. J., Bennett, K., Calear, A. L., & Griffiths, K. M. (2015). Technology-based interventions for tobacco and other drug use in university and college students: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction science & clinical practice, 10(1), 5.
Farrer, L., Gulliver, A., Chan, J.K.Y., Bennett, K., Griffiths, K. M. (2015). A virtual mental health clinic for university students: a qualitative study of end-user service needs and priorities. JMIR Mental Health, 2(1), e2.
Chan, J.K.Y. & Consedine, N.S. (2013). Negative affectivity, emotion regulation, and coping in migraine and probable migraine: a New Zealand case-control study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21(5), 851-860.
Farrer, L., Gulliver, A., Chan, J.K.Y., Batterham, P.J., Reynolds, J., Calear, A., Tait, R., Bennett, K., & Griffiths, K.M. (2013). Technology-based interventions for mental health in tertiary students: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(5), e101.